What Does E21 Mean on a Washing Machine: Quick Fixes!

What Does E21 Mean on a Washing Machine

E21 on a washing machine indicates a draining problem. It suggests a clogged filter, hose kink, or pump issue.

Dealing with household appliances can be frustrating, particularly when they display error codes like E21, which is not immediately clear to everyone. Error codes are designed to help diagnose issues quickly, and E21 is no exception; it’s a common code seen on many washing machine brands, signaling that your machine is facing draining difficulties.

This error can interrupt your laundry routine, but understanding what it means is the first step in troubleshooting the problem and getting your appliance back to its best working condition. The solution might involve checking for blockages, ensuring that hoses are correctly attached and not kinked, or even assessing the washer pump for proper function. Always remember to unplug the machine before attempting any repairs to maintain safety.

What Does E21 Mean on a Washing Machine?: Quick Fixes!

Credit: www.electrolux.co.uk

Decoding E21 Error Message

Is your washing machine flashing an E21 error message? Don’t worry. This code is a clue that helps fix your machine. Let’s decode what E21 means and get your laundry spinning again.

Common Causes Behind E21 Alert

E21 typically signals a draining issue. Common culprits include:

  • Blocked filters
  • Clogged drain hose
  • Drain pump problems

It’s important to check these areas. Clear any blockages you find. This may solve the E21 alert.

Interpreting Appliance Error Codes

Appliances use error codes to communicate problems. They offer quick insights for troubleshooting. Remember:

Include other common error codes for washing machines if needed

Error Code Meaning
E21 Draining issue

Always refer to your manual. Different brands may have unique codes. Spot the code, check the manual, and fix accordingly.

Initial Troubleshooting Steps

When your washing machine flashes “E21,” it’s signaling a drainage problem. Fixing this can be straightforward with a few initial steps. Let’s safely assess and possibly rectify the issue before calling a professional.

Safety First: Unplug Washer

Before any checks, ensure your safety. To avoid electrical hazards:

  • Unplug the washing machine from the power outlet.
  • Check that the machine is off.
  • Confirm the power cord is not wet before touching it.

Verifying The Control Panel

Next, inspect the control panel. It is important to:

  1. Look for any obvious signs of damage on the display.
  2. Press each button to ensure they respond correctly.
  3. If buttons stick or do not react, the panel may need cleaning or repair.

After these steps, you may resolve simple glitches or identify if further help is needed.

Addressing The Drainage System

Is your washing machine flashing an E21 error? This often means it’s facing a drainage problem. To fix this, inspect and clean the drainage system.

Inspecting The Drain Hose

A clogged or kinked drain hose can be the culprit. Follow these steps:

  • Turn off and unplug your washer.
  • Locate the drain hose at the back of the machine.
  • Check for obstructions inside the hose.
  • Ensure the hose is not kinked or bent.
  • Reattach firmly after inspection.

Clean any debris to allow water to flow freely.

Cleaning The Drain Pump Filter

A dirty filter impedes the washer’s ability to drain. Clean it with these steps:

  1. Locate the filter’s access panel (usually front-lower corner).
  2. Place a container or towels to catch water.
  3. Open and remove the filter.
  4. Rinse it under running water.
  5. Use a brush to remove lint and debris.
  6. Reinsert the filter and close the panel.

Regular maintenance prevents future E21 errors. Clear filters ensure smooth drainage.

Water Pump And Pressure System Check

When your washing machine flashes an E21 error, it’s time for a check-up. The E21 code often points to issues with the water pump and pressure system. Below, we break down the steps to diagnose and fix these problems. Ensuring your washing machine is unplugged before you start any checks is crucial for safety.

Examining The Water Pump For Blockages

Blockages in the water pump prevent it from doing its job: draining water. To check, you’ll need to locate the pump, usually found at the bottom of the machine. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Locate the pump filter cover. This is found at the front, bottom of your machine.
  2. Remove the cover. Some water may come out, so have a towel ready.
  3. Check for obstructions. Look for trapped items or debris inside.
  4. Clear any blockages. Use your hands or pliers if needed.
  5. Clean the filter. Rinse it under running water.
  6. Replace the filter and cover. Make sure everything is back in place.

If the pump is clean but the problem persists, further checks are needed.

Testing The Pressure Switch

The pressure switch monitors the water level. A faulty switch might falsely trigger the E21 error. Here’s how to test it:

  • Access the pressure switch. It’s usually located in the machine’s top panel.
  • Remove the pressure hose. This small tube connects to the switch.
  • Check for blockages. Blow gently into the hose to ensure it’s clear.
  • Listen for clicks. Blowing into the pressure switch should produce a clicking sound. No clicks could indicate a problem.
  • Reconnect the hose. If the switch passes the test, attach the hose back.

Testing the pressure switch helps you rule out another potential cause for the E21 error. Always consult the user manual or a professional for specific instructions for your machine model.

Clean water pumps and working pressure switches help your washer run smoothly. A regular check can save you from pesky errors like E21. If these solutions don’t resolve the error, it may be time to call in a technician. Remember, fixing the E21 error often starts with a simple examination of your washing machine’s water pump and pressure system.

Diy Fixes Vs Professional Repair

Discovering an E21 error code on your washing machine can be alarming.
Your trusty laundry companion breaks its silence through this cryptic message.
Is it a simple hiccup or a cry for professional help?
The E21 typically points to a drainage problem. But don’t fret!
Some issues have DIY fixes, while others might require a seasoned technician.

Simple Solutions You Can Try

Before calling a pro, let’s run through checks you can do yourself.

  • Check the drain hose. Make sure it’s not kinked or blocked.
  • Inspect the pump filter. Clean out any debris that’s trapping water.
  • Test the drain pump. Listen for odd sounds that suggest a jam or failure.

Resetting your machine might also clear the E21 code.
Simply unplug it for a few minutes.
Then, plug it back in and run a cycle to see if the error persists.

When To Call A Technician

If DIY steps don’t resolve the E21, a professional’s expertise is key.

  • Continuous errors. If resetting doesn’t work, something more serious may be at fault.
  • Drain pump issues. Hearing grinding or no noise at all could mean a pump replacement is in order.
  • Complex obstructions. Sometimes debris requires special tools to remove.

A qualified technician can diagnose and fix the problem with precision.
They have the tools and know-how to restore your washer to perfect working order.

Preventing Future E21 Errors

Encountering the E21 error on a washing machine can be frustrating. This error signifies a draining problem. To ensure your laundry routine runs smoothly, it’s crucial to prevent this from happening again. The following tips and habits will help maintain your washing machine in top condition and reduce the likelihood of seeing that pesky E21 error.

Maintenance Tips For Your Washing Machine

Proper upkeep is key to the longevity and performance of your washing machine. Here are some tips to help keep E21 errors at bay:

  • Check and clean the drain filter regularly for obstructions.
  • Inspect the drain hose for kinks or blockages.
  • Run a monthly cleaning cycle to remove detergent residue and build-up.
  • Ensure the machine is level to avoid unnecessary strain on components.

User Habits To Avoid Error Recurrence

Your daily habits can impact the health of your washing machine. Adopt these practices to prevent E21 errors:

  1. Avoid overloading the machine.
  2. Use the right amount of detergent.
  3. Check pockets for objects before washing.
  4. Choose the correct wash cycle for your laundry.
What Does E21 Mean on a Washing Machine?: Quick Fixes!

Credit: www.youtube.com

Frequently Asked Questions Of What Does E21 Mean On A Washing Machine

How Do I Fix Error Code E21?

To fix error code E21, check for clogged filters or blocked drain hoses. Clean filters and clear any hose obstructions. Reset the appliance by unplugging it for a few minutes. If issues persist, consult the manual or a professional technician for help.

Why Is My Washing Machine Flashing E21?

Your washing machine is flashing E21 due to a drainage issue. Check and clean the filter, hoses, and pump for blockages or kinks.

How Do I Fix Error Code E21 Electrolux Washer?

To fix the E21 error on an Electrolux washer, check and clean the drain hose and pump filter. Ensure the hose isn’t kinked and the filter isn’t clogged. If issues persist, consult a professional technician.

How Do I Clear The Error Code On My Washing Machine?

To clear an error code from your washing machine, refer to the manual for specific instructions or try unplugging the appliance for a few minutes. Reconnect the power to reset the system. If the issue persists, contact manufacturer support for guidance.


Confronting an E21 error on your washing machine can be daunting, but understanding it is key. Remember, this code often points to a draining issue, so checking the filter and drain hose is a smart initial step. Consistent maintenance can prevent such errors, ensuring your appliance runs smoothly.

Should troubleshooting prove challenging, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Keep your laundry days stress-free by staying informed about common washer codes like E21.

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